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3 Reasons Your LinkedIn Profile STINKS (and What to Do About It)

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You FINALLY decide to set up a LinkedIn account. You quickly fill out a few sections of your Profile, search for a few of your friends and send them Connection Requests, and apply for a few random jobs that look interesting. You sit back for a moment and glance at [...]

The 5 Most Powerful Things you Can Do on LinkedIn You Never Knew


Do you see LinkedIn as mainly “a place to keep my online resume”….or maybe “connect with some professional colleagues and acquaintances I already know from time to time,” because you think, “there’s such a buzz on LinkedIn, and everyone else I know is on there…so I guess I should be, [...]

Don’t be an Ediot: 3 Ways You’re Crushing Your Credibility on LinkedIn


"Oh, Look! Got a live one in the 'net! (pun intended). Heave! Ho! Oh wait, it's an ediot? Ah, well, won't fetch much market value...dump it overboard...in 3-2-1!" This is the last thing you want a recruiter or potential connection to think during their first impression of you on LinkedIn...especially given that [...]

LinkedIn ‘Charm School’: The #1 Secret to Getting More Connections


Sending someone a "Connect" invite on LinkedIn? Chances are they have very little time to check their LinkedIn “Connection” Requests (they likely have many of them), and if they don’t THINK they know you, don’t remember you, or don’t immediately see the relevance to connecting with you, they may very [...]


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