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5 Smart Ways to Spend Holiday ‘Gridlock’ (& Fuel Your Career!)


It’s Thanksgiving! Or Christmas! Or 4th of July! Or some time in between! You’re in the airport, train station or on the highway…and you’re caught in a lonnnng queue of people / line of traffic, etc.  The road ahead seems endless, so does your patience, and it seems like everything’s [...]

“Triple Your LinkedIn Traffic (& Attract Employers)”: Free Teleclass November 12 & 14


LinkedIn Newbies, Beginners & Linkedaphobes! You’re about to experience the most important 60 minutes you’ll spend on your career this year!  Join me for this FREE Live Tele-Class where I’m going to share "How to Triple Your LinkedIn Traffic (and Attract Employers)"! Learn powerful and practical steps and strategies for a [...]

Award-Winning Career ‘Advice’ from Justin Timberlake


USUALLY at the MTV Video Music Awards each year, SOME artist attempts to out-shock something another artist did the year prior (a truly bizarre/awesome/horrific stage outfit, excessively foul language, a (surprise!) mega-star vocal duo, etc.) and THAT’s always the ‘water cooler talk’ the next day across social media, at the [...]

The (Silent) Killer of Your Dream Career (and How to ZAP! It)


Today I’m here to talk about the BIGGEST (silent) killer of your dream career. I’m here to BLOW THE LID OPEN…and talk about something that most of us don’t want to admit, hear or face.  Allow me to start off by saying that... The most important thing you can do [...]

The 5 Most Powerful Things you Can Do on LinkedIn You Never Knew


Do you see LinkedIn as mainly “a place to keep my online resume”….or maybe “connect with some professional colleagues and acquaintances I already know from time to time,” because you think, “there’s such a buzz on LinkedIn, and everyone else I know is on there…so I guess I should be, [...]

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