Don’t be an Ediot: 3 Ways You’re Crushing Your Credibility on LinkedIn


"Oh, Look! Got a live one in the 'net! (pun intended). Heave! Ho! Oh wait, it's an ediot? Ah, well, won't fetch much market value...dump it 3-2-1!" This is the last thing you want a recruiter or potential connection to think during their first impression of you on LinkedIn...especially given that [...]

Creativity, Fear & Your Dream Career


The other day as I was conducting walk-in career counseling appointments at NYU's Wasserman Center for Career Development, a Freshman came in confused about which career field to pursue. "Should I go into [field a] or [field b]?" he asked. So I replied, "Which of these fields do you really WANT to be [...]

Interview Anxiety?

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So you’ve got a job interview? Congrats! [But wait a minute! So WHY do you look like a deer caught in headlights?] If you feel fear and anxiety at this point, instead of excitement and motivation, you’re not the only one! Getting the interview IS a big deal, which does [...]

LinkedIn ‘Charm School’: The #1 Secret to Getting More Connections


Sending someone a "Connect" invite on LinkedIn? Chances are they have very little time to check their LinkedIn “Connection” Requests (they likely have many of them), and if they don’t THINK they know you, don’t remember you, or don’t immediately see the relevance to connecting with you, they may very [...]

What Lady Gaga Can Teach YOU About Personal Branding in Your Career


Sure she’s got a strong, powerful voice, sings catchy songs and obviously works hard… but so do so many other talented female singers out there these days. So what did she and her genius marketing team do to totally differentiate her from everyone else, forever, ad infinitum? They came up [...]

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