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How to Squelch Job Search Overwhelm (& ROCK Your New Career Forward)


Job Search Stress Tasmanian DevilDo you procrastinate from applying for jobs because the whole process feels like a big overwhelming, spinning blur?

Feel like looking for a new job or new career is a whole other job in itself?

Feel like a big ball of stress?

I get it.

But you know what? The good news is that it doesn’t have to be.

Just as it’s necessary for you to be highly organized and proactive in your actual job, the same holds true for your job search. So get your organizational skills ‘A game’ on with these three rockin’ tips…


1. Schedule job search time in your calendar / planner for consistency and efficiency. Spread it out throughout your week, as it works into your existing schedule. Whether this means blocking out specific days of the week, or specific hours, make it work for YOU and your availability, so it is convenient, realistic and doable.

Just make sure you make an actual ENTRY for these actions, in your calendar / planner itself. This makes the necessary action item real and easier for you to hold yourself accountable to. Whatever you do, DON’T get in the habit of saying, ‘Oh, I don’t need to write it down; I’ll just do it whenever I have time.” WRONG answer – If you are serious about finding a new job, then you have to be serious about making time for it.

2. You can also create a simple application / communication / follow-up tracking system in Excel. This works well in keeping track of what you applied to and when, who you followed up with, when your next follow-up should be, etc. (i.e. manage your time well).

Treat your job search like you do your actual job – by being organized and consistent in your actions – and see the difference!

3. Get my expert help in getting (and keeping) you organized and on track to your dream career. Learn more here.

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